What can mediators do for a divorcing couple?

What can mediators do for a divorcing couple?

When couples divorce, they may think at first that going to court is their only option. However, this is largely just a good option for people who simply cannot work out terms on their own. Most couples with a degree of amiability have the ability to do this. They can...
What can mediators do for a divorcing couple?

How does the State of Florida determine child support?

Child support determinations will greatly influence your budget and long-term planning. Whether you are paying it or receiving it, the child support calculation includes both parents’ incomes, the number of children and the number of overnights in each...
What can mediators do for a divorcing couple?

What are the type of custody awards?

A hot and often contentious subject during a Florida divorce revolves around your children. When you have to split everything, including the time you spend parenting your children, emotions often run at their highest. It may help to understand what legal custody does...
What can mediators do for a divorcing couple?

Does wealth factor into divorce arguments?

When going through a divorce, many people may wonder how much of an impact assets and finances actually have on the divorce itself. While finances do often contribute to a couple’s decision to split up, does it impact the proceedings, too? The impact of wealth...